How can O&M costs be cut in half?
In PV O&M, every 2nd Dollar is wasted. But not with SunSniffer. We see the quality of each module, and nothing stays in the dark. Thanks to AI, plant O&M has never been easier and more cost effective.Costs are crucial in solar. PPAs and FiTs are decreasing, but O&M costs remain painfully high. Plus: PV plants could always have a higher yield, if you just know what makes sense to change.
Plants are monitored at inverter level, some at least at string level.
But modules are the most error-prone part of a plant, yet usually not monitored at all.
In-field inspections are time- AND cost-intensive, and bear the risk of inaccuracy.
SunSniffer combines precise measurements on module and string level with artificial intelligence, and thus dramatically reduces O&M costs:
no extensive error-searches, no costly technician services except for swapping modules.
With the SunSniffer loss classification your modules are categorized into different loss categories and in different loss classes:
→ Loss categories: Soiling/Underperforming/Shading/Degradation
→ Power loss classes: 0-2% / 2-4% / etc.
With SunSniffer Fault Management calculations you can see beforehand when a service on site is needed and how much it will cost - and how much you will lose when you stay inactive.

Usual error finding process has several steps:
First you see a drop in the overall production at the inverter, or maybe at the string in case of string monitoring. But where exactly is the issue? And what is it?
First you see a drop in the overall production at the inverter, or maybe at the string in case of string monitoring. But where exactly is the issue? And what is it?
So next step might be a drone flight to pin down the issue; but EL or IR pictures need to be read correctly, so – expensive – expert involvement is needed.