A totally new plant management
What is possible with SunSniffer?
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
SunSniffer delivers Key Performance Indicators like soiling, shading, underperforming, degradation. Each category displays the total amount of affected modules, the spread of their affection and their localization within the plant.
Additionally, we show you how much profit can be gained when
the proposed changes are made (potential improvements).
We summarize losses into different loss classes and assign each module to its class: by how much % is its production reduced? All modules with the same loss range are summed up into one class, be it 10 or 10 thousand modules. SunSniffer is totally scalable, but still looks at each single module.
Any exchange activity can be bundled and is facilitated tremendously.
Knowing that and which modules are broken is only the first step. In the section Fault Management you can administer your services on the plant, including documentation and incident tracking.
What will the exchange service cost, and how much would I lose if I don't act? SunSniffer can tell you exactly.
All the benefits for a single plant apply equally to a portfolio of plants. Manage as much plants as needed, with the same information depth of a single plant.
contains (for one string):
- High Accuracy sensors
- High Accuracy StringReader
- Gateway Plus
- Modem
- Pyranometer
- Backsheet temperature measurement device
- API access

SunSniffer WebPortal KPI view: